Delhi police has asked eight questions to Team Anna on its proposed sit-in at Ramlila Maidan from 27th Dec 11. It wants to know how many cars will be there, how many people, including VIPs if any, how many speakers and maybe how many stickers will be there.
Very professional approach indeed.
One wonders why Delhi police cannot put these questions or commandments to the politicians, especially to the ruling party members, more so to Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi! One really wonders why these questions have to be asked only to Anna Team. Can anyone ever provide a number of participants in a movement like this? For that matter, even the parliament cannot forecast the number of honourable members who will attend the house on a given day.
Very professional approach indeed.
One wonders why Delhi police cannot put these questions or commandments to the politicians, especially to the ruling party members, more so to Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi! One really wonders why these questions have to be asked only to Anna Team. Can anyone ever provide a number of participants in a movement like this? For that matter, even the parliament cannot forecast the number of honourable members who will attend the house on a given day.
agree with you
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