Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Decline in Congress

The flutter that Anna has caused in Congress by bringing so many political leaders from opposition parties on 11th Dec at Jantar Mantar is understandable. But one expected the party to behave in a saner manner and if the rank and file appeared to have gone berserk, as many appeared to have, the leadership should have whacked whips. That would perhaps be asking for too much from a party that is set on the course of decline.

Beni Prasad, a new convert to the congress, has been most strident in his Anna bashing. He says Anna is not a Laat Saheb. This clearly betrays his feudal mind set. Anna calls himself a fakir. Then he says if Anna is 74 years old Congress is 125 years. You do not need any further proof that the party is on the decline. He is comparing an individual to a party. How thin and bankrupt the party has become that it can be compared to an individual? Good for the party. And then he issues a warning. Come to UP, we'll see you. By the way, where is Ghaziabad?
Then there is some Hanumanth Rao who in a stentorian voice shouted--mend your ways, Anna, or else...Then someone else said from somewhere--Anna should stop saying anything about Rahul Gandhi. Rahul Gandhi is their deity. How can anyone say anything about a deity they venerate?

Well, congress has long ceased to be a party. At best it can be described as a mansion of the Gandhis and the Nehrus and the members of the party as occupants of the outhouse of the mansion. These occupants of the outhouse can variously be described as servants, flunkies, caretakers etc. So whenever someone says a thing or two about the Gandhis and the Nehrus these occupants cannot keep quiet. They must shout at the top of their voice to keep the critics at bay. The utterance of Manu Singhvi, the chairman of the standing committee on Lokpal bill, that 'debate was undemocratic' (he was alluding to the debate some of the political party leaders had with Anna on various aspects of Janlokpal on 11th at the Jantar-Mantar) was most distasteful, to say the least. If debate can be called undemocratic what else remains of a democracy? Debate is the essence of democracy, no matter it takes place.  More evidence of the party having been on a free fall course.

The problem with these congressmen and women is that they refuse to see what is happening in the world today, and even if they see them happening, they refuse to take any lessons. What Anna is saying or doing is not just limited to India. This voice is rising all over the world. People are beginning to realize that their rulers, de facto ones--not the de jure ones--are the worst self-servers. They are being ruthlessly uprooted from the position of power. The unmistakable message is--don't take people for granted, and do not take them for a ride.   

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