Sunday, 27 November 2011

Know Thy Limit

Even if it looks like a well-orchestrated exercise of witch-hunting and vendetta against Kiran Bedi, she must be proceeded against. If she has done all that as has been alleged, let her face the music. After all it is the rule of law that must prevail. No matter how big the person who committed these legal felonies. But the moot point is--are we going the way we should go? If Bedi can be proceeded against for what is yet to be established, how about those honourable MPs who have swallowed phone bills and house rents etc. running into several crores of rupees? Should they be allowed to enjoy the comforts of their respective offices while the likes of Bedi be guillotined? Does it make sense that Meira Kumar, the Honourable Speaker of Lok Sabha, should enjoy immunity when she owes the government so much money? Not just immunity, she enjoys the grudging veneration of the whole nation as the law enforcing authority(presiding officer) in the Lok Sabha. A swindler is a swindler no matter where he/she is placed. She should be made to cough up the money with interest, tried for her misconduct and till the trial is over, she should be made to vacate the post she is holding by default. And how about those MPs who owe money to the telephone department? Does government have to set up a committee to find out why our public undertakings are going down the drain? It is because of these parasites who are draining these undertakings of their hard earned money. Time to act. Else, the people will have the right to rise and revolt like they are doing in several other countries. There is a limit to anything. India appears to have crossed all limits and if people occasionally cross their limits, it should be understood why. Know thy limit and stay within it.

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